Wiley Park Girst High School (WPGHS) is a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning enviroment where students are motivated to achieve their personal best. We have a strong focus on student wellbeing to ensure a solid foundation so that all girls can actively engage in their learning. Key programs prioritised and valued by the school community are Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L - The Wiley Way) and a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum. These universal proactive programs are supported by early, targeted, and individual intervention from an extensive Student Empowerment Team of Student Advisers, Student Support Officer, Your Workers, and School Psychologists. The team coordinated by our Head Teacher Wellbeing includes the Learning Support Team and EAL/D specialist staff to collaboratively work with our experienced teachers to support students with school engagement and learning, to ensure all students can be safe, sucessful, and empowered.
Wiley Park Girls High School - School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
A link is provided for further information from the Department of Education Positive Behaviour for Learning webpage.