Wellbeing Team
At WPGHS, we believe that social and emotional wellbeing are at the core of student learning. Our wellbeing team strives to create an inclusive environment that caters to the variety of student needs and celebrates their many successes.
Our team is composed of the Head Teacher Wellbeing, Senior Executive team, Year Advisers, School Counsellors, Learning & Support teachers, Careers Adviser, itinerant teachers and outside agencies such as youth workers and psychologists. Together, our aim is to empower students to succeed and maintain healthy lifestyles through preventative intervention and restorative practice.
The Wellbeing Team works together to:
- support the learning, social and mental needs of individual students
- manage student referrals for disengagement or concern
- create whole-school programs that promote physical and emotional wellbeing
- prevent bullying and unhealthy relationships
- empower success with leadership opportunities and awards
- work closely with parents and carers to provided the best outcomes for our students
- work with outside agencies and the local community to provide programs and opportunities for inclusion
Head Teacher Wellbeing: Ms Gina Bobokis
Wellbeing Programs
We pride ourselves on programs that are aimed at creating a supportive environment for our students wheremental health strategies and positive psychology are explicitly taught. Every year we create whole school initiatives, such as International Women's Week and Mental Health Week, which include interactive workshops and activities that educate students and promote healthy conversations.
Leadership Opportunities
Our students are also provided with a variety of leadership opportunities that actively promote wellbeing in the school. These include: Student Representative Council, Peer Support leaders, student fundraising committees and the Aboriginal Awareness committee.
Wellbeing Hub Online
We are very excited to announce the launch of our Wellbeing Hub Online. It is designed to assist students and parents in easily assessing relevant information, services and apps in relation to their wellbeing. This this an online tool that can be used to find information while at home and will be updated regularly.
You can find our Wellbeing Hub HERE
Wellbeing at Home
If you would like to access information on how to support the wellbeing of your daughter at home, we suggest the following websites:
https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/bankstown - A Bankstown based centre for the wellbeing of young people
www.reachout.com - Bullying and Welfare support for young people
www.beyondblue.org.au - ph 1300 224 636 - support for anxiety and depresssion
www.kidshelpline.com.au - ph 1800 551 800
www.lifeline.org.au - ph 13 11 14 - crisis support and suicide prevention
www.blackdoginstitute.org.au - information and support for people with anxiety and depression