25 Jan 2022

WPGHS Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT kits)
- RAT kits will be provided by the school to all students to help monitor their health and minimise transmission of COVID-19 across our school.
- Collect the RAT kits according to the collection schedule below, so that students can be tested BEFORE their first day.
- Tests will be completed by the student at home.
- The RAT collection point will be the grassed area in front of the Administration Office (access via The Boulevarde gate).
RAT Kit Collection Schedule
To support the smooth and safe collection of RAT kits, attend on the allocated day of the Collection Schedule.
Monday 31 January - 10:30am - 1:30pm - Year 7, Year 11, Year 12 and Support
Tuesday 1 February - 10:30am - 1:30pm - Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10.
To support the health and safety of our staff and school community, please:
- Wear a mask when onsite to collect the RAT kits.
- Minimise the amount of people coming onsite (student and 1 parent)
- Maintain physical distance when waiting to collect your kit.
- Leave the school site immediately once the kit has been collected.